Audirvana core installation fails on fedora40

I get: ` Installieren : audirvana-studio-2.9.2-1.x86_64 1/1
Ausgeführtes Scriptlet: audirvana-studio-2.9.2-1.x86_64 1/1
Fehler: Transaktion-Sperre auf /usr/lib/sysimage/rpm/.rpm.lock kann nicht erstellt werden (Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar)
Fehler: /tmp/audirvana.sig.Tdsmpr: Import des Schlüssels 1 fehlgeschlagen.

Unable to add the signing key to the RPM database

audirvana-studio-2.9.2-1.x86_64 `

So, short: key could not be imported, installation completed. But no way to start the app…

hi @Audiopilot,

Do you have something else in your Fedora that used RPM simultaneously as Audirvāna during the installation?

No, I have it on two other machines using fedora40 as well, no simultan other install scripts or the like running…

No idea, anyone? I mean, on the one hand audirvana seems to work on other distros, and on the other hand I don’t have the mentioned problems with other programs on F40, including 3rd party

Why not reinstall Fedora? Save your important data and reinstall. Most probabily will work, you said with other Fedora installations don’t have problems. It’s much much faster than waiting for a forum answer, probabily others don’t have this behaviour.

That does not solve the problem, since it’s consistent on two different machines…

It fails on all my fedora’s. but other people don’t seem to have problems on their distros…

Understand. Don’t know. Used AS with Debian and Mint. Also I’m not too tech and new to Linux world. Good luck!

Hi @DGrigorescu,

I will be able to reporduce the issue newt week and come back to you once it’s done.

any news?

Hi @Audiopilot,

Have you updated it since the release of Fedora 41, and do you still have your issue with it?

Can you confirm if you have the desktop or server version of Fedora?