Audirvāna playlist albums are not in sequence of what tracks are being played

Audirvāna playlist albums are not in sequence of what tracks are being played. For example, the Infigo Audio playlist is playing but the displayed albums are not in the order of what is being played. I am using an Apple iPad for Audiovana remote and my software is up to date. My server is the Infigo Audio Is-1 streamer.

My friend is using a Windows table and his albums are in the correct sequence. Is there a setting to get the displayed albums in the same sequence as the tracks? Thanks.

Check that you have not accidentally hit the Shuffle Button.

Thanks. I just checked. The shuffle tab is off. The tracks are in the correct order but the albums are not . This is very weird. Am I missing a setting or something else? Thanks.

Can you attach a screenshot showing your situation? That might help.

First picture show normal tracks playing in the correct sequence. 2nd picture shows albums not matching the sequence of the tracks. My friend is using a windows tablet and reports his albums are the EXACT same sequence as the tracks being played. What is causing the displaced albums not to match the sequence of the tracks being played? thanks…

This situation applies to the playlists that are available from QoBuz. I do not know if this is an Audirvana issue, a Qobuz issue or something else. I reviewed the Audiovana settings and found nothing that enabled the displayed albums to be is the same sequence as the tracks. Please note this playlist is NOT my play list but a supplied playlist from QoBuz. I am accessing the playlist on my iPad that is running Audirvana and connecting to the Infigo Audio IS-1 Streamer. Thanks…

You are looking at the Playlist by the Albums the tracks are from view, rather than the actual playlist track view.
Click on the eye symbol beside the 3 Dots under the playlist details (that will be to the left of your 2nd Screenshot) and you will see the tracks. Most likely in the right order.
If not click the Down & Up Buttons on the top right under your battery icon to see your sort preferences.

These 2 Screen Shots show you what happens with the Track View and when the Album View is clicked with the eye on. Completely different order.

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My issue is closed. An outstanding job by Audirvana customer support. Thank you very much.


Cheers @hgeifman Happy to help.

I’m just a user like you. Support has the weekend off, and a few week days as well…:joy::joy::joy:

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Cheers @ ChiliHot

Thank you very much. I never would have figured this out. I asked several Audirvana users and they had no clue.

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