Autonomous mobile phone appli

Hi, I would love using Audivarna to stream my music from Qobuz, but it requires to use the laptop and this is not so convenient. There are so many applis today on the mobile phones, why don’t you develop a real appli for mobile phone to stream music from sources like qobuz and not only a remote for the laptop appli?
Today I use bubbleupnp but I would use Audirvana without hesitation if it existed on my phon. Thanks!

Why do you think a mobile phone hosting Audirvāna is the optimum platform to play content streamed from a streaming service over a mobile or Wi-Fi network? The phone platform/playback scenario is a compromise at best. … It’s like putting a Ferrari engine into golf-cart… :roll_eyes:
Use the Qobuz app…

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

I don’t think there would be any benefit on an iPhone. For us Android users there is USB Audio Player Pro.

Also a Qobuz user here.

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just to clarify, I’m using a streamer (Ifi Zen) to directly connect to Qobuz (wifi connection) and send it to a DAC then to my ampli.
I would like to use Audirvana on my mobile phone to connect to my streamer and optimize the sound instead of Bubleupnp that is just a controller and does not optimize the sound.
When I use Audirvana on my laptop, I can connect it to my streamer and I find the sound much better. Why not using it the same way directly from my mobile phone, this is much more convenient?

ps: I cannot control my streamer from Qobuz.

What DAC are you using? What computer Operating System are you using… ?

ZEN Stream: Quick Start Guide - Ethernet

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

I am using a Soncoz SGD1 connected via USB.
To clarify, my IFI ZEN Streamer is connected to QOBUZ, but I cannot control it from the QOBUZ app (under Android) I am obliged to use Bubleupnp on my phone to control QOBUZ via the streamer. Instead of using Bubbleupnp I was proposing Audirvana to develop a mobile app to connect to my streamer and play QOBUZ like it does on a laptop.

I think we all understand what you are saying. But the point is that the processing power of a computer usually outperforms that of a mobile phone. Latency is usually much better controlled for instance, and I guess one can go on and on where advantages of the computer over a mobile phone in this case are concerned. The sound quality of Audirvāna relies for a significant part on that processing power.

Since I understand that you plan to connect to the streamer, then I don’t see the problem as there is a perfect Audirvāna remote app for mobile. That way you have exactly what you want, if I am not mistaken.

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In fact I cannot connect to my streamer from Audirvana. With Audirvana I can connect to my DAC using Bluetooth (USB not possible) but BT is not the best for audio quality as far as I understand. That’s why I have a streamer, to read music directly from the source (QOBUZ) via Wifi. Bubbleupnp is only a control like Audirvana remote, it has no action on the sound as thh Ifi Zen streamer directly plays the music from internet. So I think Audirvana could not help in this case… but If you know a solution to play Audirvana (laptop) on my streamer via Wifi, I would be interested as I would like to test the sound. Thx for all your comments.

I saw in another thread that another user had this problem as well, he needed to update the iFi. I’ll try and find that thread and place the link here.

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Maybe this is useful?

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hello, thx.
I ve tried but it doesn’t work I will have a closer look But it made me realize that it did work before on my system also…maybe after a good night it will work😅

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Just for info, I’ve found the issue:
My laptop is connected via WIFI but my network was declared as “public” that’s why I think the connection with the Wifi Zen Stream could not be established. After I declared my WIFI network as “private” on my laptop, everything is fine!


Great! Enjoy the music…