Connection to Windows 10 PC is lost almost every time iPad screen goes to sleep

9 out of 10 times I “wake” my iPad to remotely control Audirvana Plus on my Windows 10 PC, the connection is lost. Sometimes, reinstalling the app will help to establish a connection, more often not. This renders the app unreliable and basically useless. I consider €11,- a bit steep for a useless app. I was happy to pay the full price for Audirvana Plus for Windows 10 knowing that some features would be available at a later time, but A+ Remote has “just” one task: controlling the main programme; without connection that will never happen. In retrospective, I think I should have waited a bit longer before buying a license for the remote app.

When you get such a “lost connection”, what if you tap on “Choose a computer”?
Is your PC listed there? If not, what if you make a scroll to refresh ?

My PC is listed, but the top line of the screen keeps showing “connecting” while nothing actually happens.

You mean listed in the Select Computer screen, the one after you have tapped on “Select Computer” in the connecting view that appears when you wake up you iPad?

No, only in the first screen. When my computer is listed in the second screen, I usuually get a connection en the app starts.

The new version seems to work fine as long as I manage to keep my PC from going to sleep…
Thanks Damien,


On second thoughts; cheering to early…
“Connecting” is all I get again.

After update to iOS 12 it takes a couple of minutes to establish a connection and then seems to work fine.

I have exactly the same problem. It is so bad that once the ipad screen goes into sleep mode the only way to re connect is to re start Audirvana on the pc and then re start the app!! Basically this makes the app useless!! A real shame because audirvana running on windows 10 streaming Tidal masters through my Chord DAC sounds superb :slight_smile: Come on guys if you are going to charge for an app it should work?

j’ai le même soucis… ca vient du pare-feu windows… ca resout le pb en le désactivant… mais pas non plus le top niveau sécurité, si d’autres ont une solution

I have the same issue. Hope it gets sorted out soon.

As of today I cannot connect the remote to Audirvana at all. I’ve restarted my laptop twice as well as the app. Still it can’t connect.

Edit: The remote app works intermittently. I already switched my laptop’s screen saver/sleep mode off. The issue seems to be with my iPhone/iPad. Every time it goes on auto lock the connection is lost.

Really hope this gets sorted out soon as I’ve just recently discovered Tidal and I’m finding it anticlimactic to find the remote app not working whilst enjoying the music.

2nd edit: I think I found the solution. I renamed my PC to the name that the Audirvana app was indicating. No connection problems so far even after opening after auto lock. Just rename your PC and restart.

3rd edit: The problem still persists. Really hope the next update will address this problem.

I suspect it only works with some consistancy when the computer is on mains power scheme (always on).

Nope and not even that works; the app is definitely flawed; I give up.

Si quelqu’un peut m’aider sur ce point. En désactivant le pare-feu windows, tout fonctionne correctement. Mais comment utiliser la remote en laissant le pare-feu activé ?

Has no one figured out how to get the remote to work? Please help!

Hi. I was having the same issue with Win 10 and both iPhone and iPad. The issue seems to be resolved since I’ve gone into Windows Defender settings and checked the boxes to allow the bonjour service access on my lan. For some reason, access had been granted only over wan. Or you could obviously simply disable Windows Defender on your PC. Hope this solves your problem. I’m curious to see if this was, indeed, the solution. Good luck!

Well, so far so good. Restoring the Bonjour services did the trick for me; seems stable enough; thanks!

Hi thank you, I tried your suggestion and restored Bonjour services, it worked well for a couple of days and was stable. But now its back to not working at all. Audirvana and Bonjour is checked/allowed through the firewall, even when I turn off the firewall it still doesn’t work. Very frustrating!

Edit: Would like to add that it stopped working after Windows downloaded some updates.

Still stable here. No further issues after Bonjour fix.