Deactivate one machine


I don’t have access to my laptop anymore, and I need to add my subscription to another computer, so that I will have 2 active machines.

Would it be possible to disable my machine for me please? If necessary, all can be removed, no problem

Thank you

Hello @musece, i removed your computers in our database. You can now activate Audirvana up on two computers.

Thank you.

When I try my windows machine, it is still erroring with no valid license available.

The machine I have access to, doesn’t seem to have been removed either? As I can still use it without registering it

I do have a Windows10 18363 computer in our database, is this the one you are talking about that you have access?

It is working now. Thank you

J’ai le même problème sous Windows 10. Audirvana installé depuis longtemps sur le même PC, impossible à installer sur mon 2e PC.
Il y a trop d’installations pour cette licence…
Et toujours le même soucis sur un des 2 pc pour le connecter à Tidal.

Bonjour @dede78, j’ai supprimé une ancienne installation d’Audirvana dans notre base. Vous pouvez utiliser Audirvana sur votre second ordinateur.

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Cela fonctionne.

Hi. I have the same issue as other felloa Audirvana members. I need to deactivate Audirvana on my Mac computer so that I can use it in Windows. Could you please help.

Hello @metsat, i removed an installation of Audirvana in our database. You can now use your license in your Windows computer.

Bonjour M. Plisson,
De même:
“Il y a trop d’installations pour cette licence.” Je n’ai pas desinstallé Audirvana lorsque j’ai vendu mon Macbook pro :worried:

Bonjour @JFG78, j’ai supprimé la plus vieille installation que vous aviez d’Audirvana pour votre license.

Hi, sorry for my poor english.

I have the same problem … I forget deactivate one of my two computers before reinstall Windows OS and now I can’t activate Audirvana … can you help me?
Thank you in advance.
Good Morning

Hello @Luis,

I have removed all your computers from the license database. You can now activate up to two PC running Windows 10.

To install Audirvana on your PC, you can proceed as follows:

  1. install trial version :
  2. unlock it by loading your license key

Dear Damien3 good evening. My hdd crashed and I am unable to deactivate the Audirvana license. So, trying to install it on a new Windows installation, I receive the “too many installations” errors. Please, coul you deactivate all of my licenses for me?
Many thanks!!!

Hello @gpozzet,

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two PC running Windows 10.

To install Audirvana on your PC, you can proceed as follows:

  1. install trial version :
  2. unlock it by loading your license key

Certainly seems this issue could be radically simplified and eat up much less of @Antoine clearly limited time, if users could simply control which of their computers are active on their licenses.

It’s patently absurd that somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 of the threads here were initiated by users trying to deactivate a license on a previous computer, yet those of us who need more pressing, nuanced support answers can’t get them to save our lives.

Seems like a poor use of time and resources, to say the very least.

I have many other apps that allow user control of licenses, and it’s always seamlessly efficient. I guess, however, that seamless efficiency has to be a developer priority for the final product to reflect it…