Error: Unable to Connect to the Device

Once or twice a day I get the error “Unable to Connect to the Device. Please use the same WiFi network on both devices …” on AS Remote running on an Android tablet.

Question: is the error between Remote and my Raspi server? Or between my Raspi server and my Chromecast speaker?

When I get this error, Remote does not re-connect. Force stopping Remote doesn’t re-connect. Rebooting Android does re-connect.

This error is pretty much the last snafu standing between me and flawless operation … so I’m keen to fix it!

The error is between the Remote and the RPI. We are working on this but if you want to investigate, enable the logs in Audirvāna under Audirvāna settings>My account and once you get the error again, look if there is a log in particular generated.

Hi @Antione, thank you for the quick reply! Two questions …

  1. Does “Start Logging” capture more information than the ‘normal’ Linux logging?
  2. Is the Remote “Unable to Connect” error specific to Android?

Yes it does :slight_smile:

More a Linux issue I must say

What helped me was disabling the “Pause application when not in use” option.
From this point on, Audirvana Remote does not lose connection.