Exclusive streaming service advantages

What does “Exclusive streaming service advantages” mean ? The difference between subscription yearly and month

We will change this sentence soon to make it clearer. When you subscribe to the yearly option of Audirvāna Studio, you can get 3 month of trial for Qobuz and Tidal. This is not available for the monthly subscription.

But this is just for new accounts, right? So for users who have an account, let’s say Qobuz, and don’t want to create another is nothing.

I don’t know if they have changed their policy about this. I will ask them about it.

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Who’s suggested they want something for nothing @Jim_F ?
As far as I can tell it was an honest question.


I have the confirmation that you can use it on a new account OR if you never used a trial code in a existing account that is, of course, not in a active subscription state.

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