I have flac files from many sources, I notice that many folders are missing Trk 01, and many albums that split into multiple folders.
Is this a metadata problem with my files?
Should I use an external app for metadata or the internal editor?
Should be doing something to prepare my files before adding any new files?
If they are FLAC split into individual tracks, and there is a cue file in the folder, this can cause confusion…
thanks Antoine,
Yes it appears wrong in Local, but it appears correct on my local HDD.
It placed 2 tracks in one folder with art but placed the rest of the tracks in a second folder with art, well as duplicating about half of the tracks.
2 #2’s , 2 #3’s etc.
thanks reddog1,
I know a lot of my files do have cue files. I didn’t realize this can cause issues.
I will have to go through these tomorrow
hey reddog1 - I looked at a problem folder and deleted the cue and log and it cleared up the double tracks immediately.
I am about to add a lot of new files to the library, so I should delete all the cue files first?
How would I add a compilation that I create of various artists w/o having it split into individual folders? I checked the basic metadata before adding but to no avail. Thanks
That’s getting a bit deep for me… I don’t create any of my own compilations.
That said, all files should be in one folder, if you mean not having them appear as different ‘albums’ in Audirvana, you need to edit the metadata so all tracks are the same album name, I think you can then add artist name to individual tracks. Not at my computer today to check.
hi @Ralph1,
How do you create your compilations? Are all your compilation tracks in a separate folder per compilation or do you use a playlist that references the tracks in their original album folder locations?
There are different ways to achieve this I feel, depending on how you wish to or do organise your library.