How to install Studio from Debian command line

Hi guys,
I’m trying to install Audirvana Studio 2.9.4. I’m using Debian 12 Server. So I have no GUI. Tried grabbing the link from the download page and pasted it in Putty. But now I don’t know what to do. I’m pretty noob when it comes to Linux. So a little help would be appreciated.

First install the avahi daemon and set it to run on bootup. (Do a web search for how to go about this. If you run into trouble, come back and ask.)

After that, download the package by putting the wget command in front of the URL. Then look at the exact name of the package you’ve downloaded with the ls command, and issue sudo dpkg -i before the name of the package to install.

After you’ve done that I think the install gives you directions for getting things up and running, but if not come back for help.

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Thank you Jud,

I have installed Coreplayer now and plan to use Studio. I have also run so I guess everything is working now? But how do know it’s running?

Install Audirvana Remote on your phone if you haven’t already, and when you open it, see whether it offers you the opportunity to connect with your server.

Sorry I forgot to reboot the server. Now I can connect to my server from my mobile. But now I have another problem. I can’t access my music on my other server. I have created a entry in fstab pointing to that share but when I try to add music in Audirvana Remote nothing shows up. Something about permissions you think? I tried before with Plex and it was working. But now I want to use Audirvana instead.

The network share is automounted at boot to the Debian server’s /mnt directory, and you’re able to see /mnt/whatever via ls in your Debian server?

In Debian you don’t have to install avahi (maybe is preinstalled or installed with the installer package, didn’t check). I used Debian Bookworm and just installed AS with the downloaded package and Remote from Google Play, nothing more.

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A little heads up. I finally got it to work. I had to add user audirvana to the same group as my user to get access to the music folder. Now the remote app is updating and the albums are showing up :clap:

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