How to turn off Integrated Mode

Can anyone help me to turn off the “Integrated Mode” and go back to straight Audirvana 3.5?

From Studio version or 3.5. i never used it, so maybe after unchecking that option, it will ask you to tell him where is your music folder??

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none of these drop down menus are available in integrated mode. You have the small player and music and that’s it. Absolutely no way to get to the settings. Epic failure and extremely frustrating.

Just what is this ‘integrated mode’? I have only begun with Studio. More than once I have wished we had a manual. I understand for most things we can click and get detailed info but would prefer a separate manual. And, in the case of ‘integrated mode’ I can not see a way to get info.


Integrated Mode allows Apple Music users to render through Audirvana. In other words you manage with Apple Music and you play with Audirvana.

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Thanks, @Alain. But then what is the difference between that and in settings>Local having iTunes/Music as the local database source?

In Integrated Mode, You will manage Apple Music database with Apple Music, and render with Audirvava.
In non-Integrated mode, you will both manage and render with Audirvana. Your can use an existing Apple Music database: “Local having iTunes/Music as the local database source”, or have an other database on a NAS for example or anywhere else.

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Thanks. I’m sticking with keeping it simple and setting a sync folder for Audirvana to monitor and using Audirvana’s wonderful interface.
And that’s even with me using when I’m away!