I am looking for AS users on Mano Ultra mk3 with RPi5

I have mixed feelings about whether this configuration is stable.
Today, for example, even though there were no problems yesterday and nothing was changed or updated, I simply don’t want to play after a minute. The hardware (the entire GentooPlayer) hiccups and stops working. There is no contact with GP either via WiFi or cable. I have to do a hard reboot of Mano.
I have already heard that the power supply is not intended for such a configuration because Mano and Audirvana have a higher power demand.

So I’m looking for other users to figure out what’s going on.

Unfortunately, I cannot create a message with the copied Systeminfo because I get a 403 error.

I don’t have a Mano but run GentooPlayer, I currently have Studio on a Windows PC then as little as possible on the Pi running Gentoo.
I plan to run Studio on a Pi with Gentoo but 1 Pi 5 to run Studio and the other Pi as it is now. That seems to be what most people do.
The PSUs for Pi5 seem to around 27W or 5A @ 5V. Does seem a lot and could be to deal with HATS / SSDs and the rest.
Do you know what the Mano PSU outputs?


From the beginning, I wanted to skip an additional element in the playback chain. I wanted only the streamer to take care of it. I usually didn’t have any major problems until yesterday.

But I think I found the reason. I noticed that the culprit is the lack of memory. When I add or enable a CD, Audirvana puts in its memory. But the problem is that after listening to songs or CDs it does not release this memory, therefore the memory is less and less. This ultimately causes Audirvana to crash or GentooPlayer to stop working.
There is a particular CD that causes me to use over 3 GB of RAM at a time.
Unfortunately, even setting the buffer to 1 GB in Audirvana preferences doesn’t help here. In my opinion, this should define the limit that Audirvana can use RPi5 RAM.

The Farad Ultra uses a 4-pin connector.

Which version of Core Player is currently running?

Audirvana Studio v2.9.5
GentooPlayer v8.80-289
Kernel 6.6.47-GentooPlayer-ULTRA-EUP-RCU+

Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0
CPU(s): 4
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3
CPU(s) scaling MHz: 100%
Thread(s) per core: 1
Vendor ID: ARM
Model: 1
Model name: Cortex-A76

Ok. Too bad. There was a memory leak in Audirvana, but it has been fixed. So it is a bit of a mystery where the memory leak is originating.