Internet Radio URL play

Yes, please add support for internet radio. Most other apps that support quality streaming also do radio, and it would add a lot to Audirvana to have this ability too.


Internet radio in next release please :pray:


Add my vote! The only reason I would not buy the license at the end of my tryout period is the absence of internet radio… any announcements soon??



today audirvana presents itself as one of the most complete players and the best sound … decided for some time to take the license … however in the living room to please the family and listen to the webradio use daphile … it would be perfect to also have the webradio on audirvana and give it an edge


vote for radio feature

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This would make an excellent application perfect!


A vote from me as well


Yes, please Damien Add radio internet radio URL, it is something that complete this excellent player, thanks.

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Yet another vote.

Surely its more than user votes that keep Internet Radio out of Audirvana. Perhaps Qobuz/Tidal see Internet radio as a competing force and don’t want it implemented. The feature itself is simple as even the most basic free player has the ability to stream via URL.

HI !

I also need internet radio, tabernacle !



+1 Please.

  • My wife
  • My childtens

We want toi use radio !


I’m curious what’s the audio quality on stuff like tunein?
If it’s 128, why bother?

I cast my one vote for integrated internet radio - preferably with a simple interface to access and select higher res streams like in San Francisco provides.

Another vote for internet radio integration

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Do you have to make a petition in order to have web radio? :grimacing:

Hello @Paolosnz, you don’t have to do such thing. Remember the purpose of this section of the forum, vote for new features that could be implemented :wink:

Please, count my voice too! Thanks! :smiley:

Je vote aussi pour les radios internet, ma femme aussi et mon chat …

I open it from Tidal application. I save personalized lists. Appears in the Audirvana app. I’m listening from there. Of course, it does not replace the radio you will listen to directly. There are Tunein or Apple Spotify stringray radios. I am sending Apple TV from iPad or iPhone. The sound quality is poor compared to my own recordings. Sometimes one wants to hear something different.

Je vote pour la radio
Bien cordialement,