Issue with Diretta

This may be true for your setup, and I am sorry to hear of it, because when it works correctly, it’s lovely.

I just wanted to note that many people, including me, are happily using Audirvana Core for Linux without problems. (I have used it on 5 different Linux distros and 2 DACs, both via UPnP and USB, with every PCM rate from 44.1kHz to 352.8kHz, upsampling to DSD512. However, I have not used it with Diretta.)

Edit: I have used it with local tracks and Qobuz (including 192kHz tracks from the latter), and radios that broadcast at rates from 44.1kHz to 192kHz. I upsample local tracks and Qobuz to DSD512, but do not upsample radios.

We choose to focus on tasks other than Diretta. I hope at some point I can tell you we do not have any issues at all whatsoever, but the truth is this: we are always running out of time, and we can’t do everything, everywhere, all at once :wink:


Hi Antoine,
Many thanks for you reply, I understand perfectly your position.
Would this mean Audirvana partnership with Diretta could still be in place?
Note that my actual subscription is running until end of august. Is it reasonable for me to expect something before this deadline?

It is, but as we constantly shift the task we are focused on, I can’t tell you when Diretta will be back in our pipeline. Maybe it will be before august, but nothing can be guaranteed.

Thanks @Antoine for the clarification. It is perfectly clear to me that you have conflicting priorities and the focus I’m looking for is not the priority of the majority of users.
For this reason, I will drop my subscription to audirvana as I’m looking specifically topics (remote more nice and UI, diretta…). Will have a look to the evolution and wish all the best to audirvana.

All right, Antoine, thank you for this clarification.
So I will keep on following the evolution of Audirvana. :wink:

On my side I now use Audirvana Linux on Audiolinux with Alsa Diretta driver and Diretta Target on Audiolinux Holo Red…
Sound is incredible because Audirvana and Diretta rise SQ all the time and Audiolinux is also incredible.
BUT I always have sometime some pop between track… Just hope one day this will be fixed…
The SQ with Diretta is far better than with Holo Red as DDC or direct connexion to Holo Spring.
I cannot say that I’m unhappy of Audirvana, because sound is marvellous, little drawback for a sound of great quality…
I hope the road of Diretta and Audirvana will cross again…

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