Need alphabet scroll on righthand side of albums, artists, and tracks lists

I have a large collection.

On the remote app, it takes at least a full minute to scroll the artists list, the albums list won’t even scroll past albums by Amanda Ghost before it runs out of gas, and tracks list is pointless because it seems simply to follow the file structure of only my first music directory and doesn’t organize the tracks in any way that would allow me to scroll to what I want. Thus, the only practical way for me to use the app is with the search function.

Most apps intended to scroll long lists have an a-to-z alphabet scroll on the righthand side of the listings. (For an example, look at the “contacts” list on your phone.). Putting aside that I seem to have four or five separate runs of alphabet on the artists list (and that “Benny Goodman” follows “Charles Tolliver” at the very end of that list), I assume it wouldn’t be rocket science to add an alphabet listing on the right side.

If that can’t be done, I guess I don’t really need albums, artists, or track listings at all. Don’t tease me. Just give me a search button and file directory listing and be done with it.


I have the same problem, a huge collection. Audirvana 3.5 has the alphabet índex on ri
ghthand side; navigating in AS is very inefficient and cumbersome. Audirvana 3.5 remote is far better

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I agree , scrolling is useless, all I can do is search , an alphabet on the RHS Would help enormously


I just wanted to endorse the navigation comments made above. I have a large music library, and the app is simply too slow at present for me to scroll through it without having to stop and wait for the album art to load before I can move on. I agree with the commenter above: I really miss the alphabetical index that was on the right-hand side of the old app, and this new version badly needs the same system.

Also, yes: every time you give up scrolling and use the search function instead, it takes you back, once you’re finished, all the way to the start of the alphabet again.

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