New Audirvāna Origin


The success of Audirvāna 本 in Japan and the numerous requests we received to be able to access it elsewhere convinced us to make this offer available more globally under the name Audirvāna Origin. This is a high performance upgrade of the original version of Audirvāna dedicated to managing and playing one’s local library.
This new offer does not include streaming service nor radios nor other online contents. It is based on the latest Audirvāna software technologies and made available through the purchase of a license. We invite you to visit our website to know more about it (Audirvāna Origin - Audirvana) as well as the FAQs dedicated to this new offer (Audirvāna Assistance - customer support and community forum).


L’accueil très favorable de Audirvāna 本 au Japon et les nombreuses demandes qui nous sont parvenues pour en disposer ailleurs nous ont convaincus de proposer plus largement cette offre sous le nom Audirvāna Origin.
Cette nouvelle offre est une évolution très performante de la version originale d’Audirvāna, dédiée à la gestion et à la lecture de sa bibliothèque musicale locale, sans service de streaming, ni radio, ni contenus en ligne. Elle intègre les dernières technologies logicielles d’Audirvāna et est commercialisée sous la forme d’une licence. Nous vous invitons à consulter notre site pour en savoir plus (Audirvāna Origin - Audirvana) et les FAQ consacrées à cette offre (Audirvāna Assistance - support client et forum communautaire).


Dear @Antoine ,
This is a very good initiative. I wish Audirvana a lot of success with Origin.
The information page says that it is possible to install the player on multiple computers for a simultaneous usage.

On how many exactly?

From the assistance page: Audirvāna Assistance - Customer Support And Community Forum

You can install Audirvāna on multiple devices but you can only use one at a time. If you want to switch from one device to the other simply go to your Audirvāna account page and disconnect the previous device you were using or simply log out in your account settings before moving to the other computer.

In this case, you should correct the page in French, because it is erroneous.
It says: “Installations multiples (une utilisation sumultanée)”, which means “Multiple installations (a simultaneous usage)”.

I’ve just made the change, it should not be confusing anymore.


Do you foresee upgrade path to Origin for 3.5 users? Something to sweeten the deal for the legacy customers.

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Audirvāna Origin is sold as a license (one time purchase) for US$ 119,99 and 119,99€ (sales tax included), and US$ 89,99 and 89,99€ (sales tax included) for Audirvāna customers i.e. owners of a license of a previous version of Audirvāna (1,2,3 or 3.5), or 12 months subscribers to Audirvāna Studio (Access plan or 12 months of the Classic plan).


Awesome, it’s a fair deal.

Wel, well, Resistance was not futile after all…
Who would have thought?

I wish Audirvana a soft landing in the real world.


This is a nice commercial gesture for the customers of Audirvana. :+1:

Another question.
The page of the product says that the OS compatibility of the player is guaranteed for at least two years.
Does it mean that after two years, the player may become incompatible with the new versions of the OS?

Thank you so much for this product. I have been waiting for this moment :grinning:

Ça m’a l’air bien ! J’ai lancé l’essai pour voir, et première chose : on atterrit immédiatement sur la vue “albums” et non plus “favoris”, c’est déjà vachement mieux ! :smiley:

Je note cette ligne dans la FAQ :
Cette licence vous donne le droit d’utiliser le logiciel sans limite de durée, avec au moins une mise à jour fonctionnelle par an d’ici 2025 et deux ans de garantie de compatibilité avec les évolutions des systèmes d’exploitation.

Est-ce que dans l’idée, le développement se fera a priori au même rythme que Studio (mais sans bénéficier des évolutions liées aux services de streaming) ?
Et, est-ce que l’on retombe dans un schéma où seront payantes de nouvelles versions majeures qui peuvent éventuellement sortir avant 2026 ?

Merci !

It’s always good to have options (even if I don’t use them) so, Thank You!

The new Audirvana Origin looks nice and sleek! Installation went like a breeze and, even with UPnP engaged, it worked like a charm from the very beginning.

It makes me think hard whether not to switch to Origin altogether.

Well done Audirvana Team!

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I recently purchased a year of Audirvana Studio. Any way to switch to Origin with the remaining balance reducing the price of Origin?

Hi, Audirvana Origin is good news since I don´t use streaming at all. As user of Audirvana 3.5 (NOT Studio) I am a little disappointed that for 2 installations and simultanious playing (which was possible with Audirvana 3.5) I need to withdraw the license on one PC and install license on the second one. This switch will make users angry !!! If you would provide the same license scheme like up to now I would buy the upgrade to the new Origin version which costs almost the same as the 3.5 version. Otherwise I will stick with what I have installed now. Regards

Can we simply understand the origin is the studio but without the online connectivity with Tidal and Qobuz??

Also, as i have the 3.5 one, it is means i can keep and use BOTH? i.e. enjoy the local files with Origin, and the online streaming with the 3.5???

Hi, good idea. Would like to do the same. But I fear that mixing the kernerl routines will not really work in parallel. Or does it ?

That’s not exactly a great deal for all those who were left behind when Audirvana decided to go the subscription route.

I imagine this is the true upgrade to 3.5 but for almost full price.

It’s too bad this wasn’t done sooner. I imagine I’m not alone, as I went to other services and left Audirvana a 3.5 behind under the understanding that 3.5 was a dead end.

I guess the welcome to Audirvana 4.0 is at hand.

