I added several albums to my favorites on the Qobuz website, in Studio under streaming it shows Qobuz as Connected?
Should I disconnect Qobuz in Studio the ewconnect it?
I added several albums to my favorites on the Qobuz website, in Studio under streaming it shows Qobuz as Connected?
Should I disconnect Qobuz in Studio the ewconnect it?
Hi @randyps65,
If you had Audirvāna Studio opened while you added those tracks please restart Audirvāna Studio.
Still not showing up. I can see them on the Qobuz website and in the iphone Qobuz iPhone app. I also disconnected Qobuz under Studio Streaming
I had the same issue when I added a favory from the Quobuz App.
Running MacOS 15.2 if that helps
Tried disconnect/reconnect but made no difference
Any ideas?
Have you logged out of Qobuz in Audirvana and logged in again?
I think it’s best that you try as @jmtennapel suggests. If that doesn’t help it might be caused by something on the side of Qobuz. Are you by any chance a beta tester for Qobuz or Qobuz Connect?
Yes yes yes. I am not beta anything. The only thing I have NOT done is ununstall Studio. Only the Studio on my M4 Apple Silicon and running stock, standard macOS 15.2 is having this problem.
I bought every Version of Audirvana and subscribed to Studio at first opportunity so it’s clear to me the code for Audirvana current Mac version is the issue. Maybe you can contact Qobuz developers? I doubt it’s the files themselves. It seems pretty evident that Studio is not properly reading Qobuz data.
I hate to dump Studio because it’s my central sw for streamed Qobuz content and all my cds. There have to be developers on both companies who can figure this out.
Did you check the local network access settings in MacOS?
Apple logo in the upper left corner of the screen > System Settings > Privacy & Security > scroll down to Local Network > check if Audirvana has access granted, the slider should be to the right and the background green,
Seen quite a few posts on Roon forum in last 24 hrs stating Qobuz albums have disappeared from libraries and some reports of Qobuz being down for some users. This may be an issue with Qobuz?
Hi guys, for those having the issue you mention, please try to reproduce this with MConnect or BubbleUPNP. I don’t have the issue on my side, I tried to add an album in Qobuz app and it was in Audirvāna Studio after a restart of the app.
Could is it possible in a future version of AS to update the Qobuz favorites without restart the application?
It’s something we are looking for.
Antoine, I’ve watched the syncing going on when Studio starts and was wondering is there any kind of log files that might show us the way? Studio is analyzing, syncing over and over. My music files are in multiple folders, some local from CDs or Qobuz purchases. I wish I could video all the operations flashing by
Or maybe I should delete/recreate the Studio library? Right now I’ve got syncing with files from Apple Music, cd rips, Qobuz purchases.
Have tried disconnecting and reconnecting Qobuz.
Should I delete the current syncing to my Mac HD/Randall and limit it say to the Music folder?
Oh, and if you’re still working on adding EQ to Studio, please consider me.
Don’t know if you tried, but you could try to remove the local folders in Audirvāna, restart Audirvāna and then add those folders again.
Kind of rebuilding the library but only in Audirvāna…
Can you go into the Audirvāna settings and in the My Account section? You will see a ‘Start Log Session’ button; click on it and reproduce your issue. After you reproduce it, click 'Stop Log Session’ and open the audirvana_studio.log file you can find by clicking the 'Open Log Folder’ button.
got it. How can I send you the log file?