Origin: New license - HD analyzer glitch

I’ve been using the Origin trial for a bit, but decided to buy a license since I liked this one much better.
In trial mode, the HD analyzer is limited to 10 or so scans. After buying the license, restarting the app, etc… The app recognized the new lifetime license and everything is fine.

However, a few plays after, I tried analyzing again and I get an error message saying that my trial for HD analyzer ended and shows a button to “go to my account” website.

If i close and open the app, the error is fixed and I can use the tool freely. Something that I notice is that when it’s working fine, the license part of the account tab says “license purchase on…” / But when I get that trial error, that part says: Trial ends on 2099-month-date…

I won’t be alive by 2099 but it won’t let me use the HD scanner while I breathe, unless I restart the app. It happened maybe 3 times in a day so far.

P.S.: a quick info on that amazing tool would be great! As in: where the HD frequency/bit-depth graph should be optimally (compared to what we get from the file). And a button on the main play-bar for a quick access would be amazing! Instead of having to go to a Mini-player first.


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Hi @anton5k

Several posts ask users to go to account page and disconnect. Then restart, login and all "should function proper.


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Thanks! It worked for now, I’ll report later if this keeps happening or it got fixed. Thanks!

Long life to you, Anton5K.

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