‘Prevent screen from going to sleep’

My expectation here would be that the Audirvana app would then really always appear on top of the display and the screen (here iphone 7) would not go dark. That way the app would really always be in the foreground. But it doesn’t do that (for me), I always have to press the home button
I would always like to see the cover, for example. But maybe it’s because of iOS 15.8.3

I am sure of this because I have a comparison with Yamaha’s MUSICCAST, where it is always in the foreground and does not need to be ‘woken up’.

The System Optimization option to prevent the screen from sleeping, is a function that applies to the computer platform Operating System hosting the Audirvāna application, not the Remote Application…

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

Thanks for reply.
In case that the computer platform Operating System hosting the Audirvāna application is the new headless Linux core system, this feature would be possibly meaningless?

It supports video output… so yes it will have influence on ancillary system processes… The question would surround how the video sub-system is engaged under that particular operational scenario.

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

I use an M2 Macbookpro for my Audirvana “server” or host and have noticed with the latest Sequoia OS that the screen saver rarely starts even though I have it set to start after 30 minutes on power adapter.

This isnt really relevant to Audirvana (or maybe it is) but also with Sequoia specifically I cant get my laptop to proceed with audio streaming when the.lid is closed. I have triple checked all power settjngs and no matter what when i close the lid the audio stops. I havent really investigated yet but it is annoying and i always have it set to not sleep with lid closed.

I think, and again i have no solid data to prove this this, that it is stopping the USB C connection for whatever reason.

For what its worth i use a Moon Audio Silver Dragon directional USB C cable to connect my MBP to my SMSL D6s DAC.

Almost forgot to mention since it appears that Audirvana doesnt want your host to sleep or go into a low power mode so it can control audio processing I wonder then why they give that option in the remote app settings. I have also noticed that setting doesnt work for me, i stop audio and click the lock and when i flip the slide it alwsys goes back to "on’.

This is on Android havent tested that yet on my iphone.

I have to correct myself, sorry.
The option '‘Prevent screen from going to sleep’ appears under ‘Other Settings’ but only if you are NOT running a headless Linux or NAS installation as a server.
In my case I have tested with satisfaction installations onto Ubuntu 22.04 and QTS/QNAP (TS464eu 8GB). This option is suppressed in these cases.

So I conclude that this feature has nothing to do with the screen of the ‘remote app’ (iPhone) …