Qobuz playlist issue

Selecting a playlist stored in Qobuz has a weird way of not always showing all items in AS
A playlist of 20 items only shows 18, after adding 2 more (22 total) it shows all 22.

There is a strange ‘one track sideways to the left move’ in the order of tracks shown when scrolling down through the playlist.
Has anyone else noticed this?

I’m running Windows 10 home edition on a small fanless mini pc as player…

Can you send some screenshot so we can try to reproduce the issue?

This Qobuz playlist is the one in question, although I’ve seen the same ‘move to the left’ behavior in other album lists when scrolling through.

I am using Audirvana on a mini pc connected via HDMI to a TV, so I took some photos instead of screenshots.

In this playlist, if I delete 2 tracks so the total is 20 instead of 22, the header correctly shows that there should be 20 tracks in the playlist, however when counting it shows only 18, the last 2 are missing. This is reproducible.

When scrolling, one would expect the albums shown in groups of 4 here to stay in the same column, but instead the leftmost album moves to the rightmost column when scrolling and vice versa, all albums move accordingly which is confusing.

These are 3 images of this playlist when scrolling down, you can see the columns change.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

I just removed 2 tracks from the playlist so the total is 20 tracks again, Audirvana only shows 18.
I think it has to do with this strange shifting issue on sorting tracks but I may be wrong. It is 100% reproducible. Adding only 1 track to a total of 21 shows all 21 tracks. Removing one shows 18 again.

This is the playlist: Qobuz

Cheers, Hans.

Edit: On the remote there is no shifting issue, everything shows 3 columns that scroll perfectly instead of 4 that scroll shiftingwise. On the remote I see all 20 tracks.

Edit2: Changing the resolution of the display makes it behave as it should. It turned out to happen exactly at a display resolution of 3840 x 2160 px and scale setting at 300% (which are the recommended settings Windows came up with).
Changing the scale setting to 350% fixed it. It still shows 4 columns of tracks but they stay in place while scrolling and I see all 20 tracks.

2 posts were split to a new topic: WiiM Pro with Qobuz, can’t go to the next track

Hi @hlooman,

I think your issue is about the zoom you have that is on a specific scale. Can you please try to change it using this slider?


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