Mac OS Monterey, iOS 18.2, Audirvāna Origin
Folder view (most important for me because of the problem with double albums -tracks) works fine in the desktop.
Using Remote app the folder view is static. I mean I see the tree but when click on a folder containing tracks screen changes but no tracks are shown.
As a result folder view is useless with Remote.
Is there any chance that in the near future this problem will be addressed?
Thank you
Have you tried restarting your iOS device?
‘Folder View’ works as expected on my iOS device running 18.2.1 and Audirvāna Studio 12.9.5
Maybe you are viewing a folder that is not synchronized?
Thank you for the reply.
I forgot to say I have Audirvāna Origin.
Restart did not help.
Whenever I click on a folder the screen changes to the tracks screen, the “busy” sign is there for ca 0.5sec saying “loading…” but the screen stays empty showing “0 tracks”.
Are you able to play any file from the Remote App?
Sure, but only from the Album view.
Please members of the community who are using the Remote app with Mac OS (which one?) and iOS 18.2 let me know if Folder view works well for you.
I mean if you can see the tracks in Remote app Folder view and play them.
So I hope I will understand if the problem is with my setup or if it is an Audirvāna problem. Thank you.
I just did that… read my initial post.
Try deleting the Remote App and download it again…
I don’t believe there is a difference in the way Folders View is managed between Origin and Studio in the remote app.
Thank you Agoldnear for your suggestions and for your time.
I tried all.
- iOS Restart
- Remote app delete and reinstall
- Synchronize again the folders
It did not help.
I can only play tracks from the Album view.
Maybe Support has an idea.
Hi @archigos,
can you please send some screnshots of your issue?
Hi Antoine
Thank you for responding
I include
One screenshot of the desktop where folder view is as expected
Two screenshots of the remote where folder view shows the folder tree but when I click on the folder with the tracks the screen changes, tries to “load” tracks for 0,5 sec and then is empty with indication “No tracks”
Hi @archigos,
Can you please try to rename your folder from MUSIC DS216+ to MUSIC DS216plus?
Hi Antoine
I renamed and it worked!
I cannot understand why, because in the Desktop version the name DS216+ was acceptable.
It works a little bit strange.
I go to folders view and I see
When I click it does not open the tree but it springs to the track screen with all tracks of the volume as expected
When I go back the tree is expanded one level
I click on Mahler and it springs to the track screen with all tracks of Mahler
Until I reach Mahler Symphony Nr 1 I must go forward and back some times.
But I am happy because I can use the remote and I thank you for your help!!!
I include the screens in a second mail