Rise of SQ on Win 11 with 2.9.3

Since latest 2.9.3 I observed a serious rise of SQ on Win 11.
Am I alone with this observation ?

Better than Linux? Just curious. For the moment I am with latest Mint.

I compare
A) Audirvana Windows 11 (with Fidelizer pro) -UPnP-> Aprenderer as Diretta host on Gentooplayer RPI5 -Diretta-> Holo Red Diretta Target on Gentooplayer
B) Audirvana Linux on AudioLinux as Diretta Host -Diretta-> Holo Red Diretta Target on Gentooplayer

The PC Fanless and RPI5 have good linear supply.

I really prefer A to B

It could be explained by the fact PC is a mini PC not quite powerfull.
It can really be system dependant…

But the rise of SQ is before and after new Audirvana Version.

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Understand. Can you tell me please what version of Windows 11? Because I’m curious to listen myself. I know there are subjective facts so I will not blame you if will have another opinion. Thank you for answer and have a great listening time!

It’s the last update of Windows 11 pro
Disclaimer : A and B are really different over just System…
3 box on one, 2 on other, Fidelizer Pro on Windows,
super Condensator Ian Canada on RPI5
Usage of aprenderer…
It’s 2 very different use cases.
On Audiolinux 6.11 RT LTO
On RPI 5 6.11 CLTO Extrem RT EUP NOR,
same kernel on Holo Red
And I think I have perhaps
Processor issue with my PC which
depreciate Alsa Host and Audirvana Linux

Understand. Anyway thanks. Will make a backup of my linux drive and install the latest 11 pro next days. If the sq is not worth will stay wih Linux because it’s much better than MS$ imo. Note: I don’t use an audiophile edition, I use Linux Mint for general purposes. Right now I’m listening to AS and the sound is very good (DSD 128 upsampling A8, extreme ALSA optimisation).

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