Search missing out Qobuz at least

Current version seems to miss out on Qobuz at least. I have tried to search for Joe Jackson. Results were limited to Podcasts and Radios.
Thanks for help.

Hi @Gorch

Have you tried logging out, and back in to Qobuz?

If you start typing in the search box you will see a magnifying glass next to the Qobuz and other categories. In my screenshot it is activated. If you click on it you can activate or deactivate it. Check if it is activated in your case. With those magnifying glasses you can filter for which categories search results will show up.


I had the same issue twice. On my hand, this behaviour disappeared an hour or so later, perhaps after restarting Audirvana.
Good luck.

Hi @Gorch,

Do you still have your issue 2024-11-24T23:00:00Z?

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Sorry, I couldn’t reply immediately. Problem solved. For some reason the little magnifying glass symbol next to Qobuz was off.

Many thanks to all.