Segmentation fault after logging in

Thanks for looking at this, maybe we will wait for @Antoine to chime in on Monday.

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Same over here. Everything went well for a few hours. Restarted Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS for another reason and now everything crashed like described. Segmentation fault. And some critical errors in log. Im an linux sys admin but this is where i give up :sweat_smile: couldn’t get this running again. Reinstalling the service, reinstalling the whole package. Nothing helped.
Need a fix for this please … :pray:

I couldnt even install the service on DietPi it just fails. I am just running from a terminal, It doesnt create a user group called audirvana which I would expect all installed as root. When installing it also didnt mention anyting about dependancies for me using gdebi had to work out I need Avahi installed as well.

@Antoine be good to get some help here. I would prefer to run it on my Nuc than my qnap as its got a lot less grunt.

We will look at this with Damien as soon as possible.

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Thank you.

I have installed the beta on my Pi4. The Pi4 is booted off of a 2TB Samsung T5 SSD that I just flashed.

I have been doing some testing and the application crashed. I can send the application log if you want also.

Here is the crash log:

Audirvana Studio crash log
Date: 2024-4-15 23:44:49



Fault location: 0x

Hi bobfa,
Can you post the audirvana log too, please?


it seems there is a problem at Audirvana starting. Audirvana seems to start too early.
I’ve modified the audirvanaStudio.service file like that:

Description=Run audirvanaStudio

ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 15


I’ve added this line:

ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 15

So, I don’t get any kind of problem after any Linux distribution boots now.
Perhaps it could help some of you.


Hi guys,

Can you please update the Audirvāna package on your Linux version and try to reproduce your issue again?

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Will do when I am home.

Will do but it is 4 times the size of the max allowed text. Where can I send it.

Effectively it is not possible.
Did you have tried to modify audirvanaStudio.service files as I’ve suggested?

nano /etc/systemd/system/audirvanaStudio.service.

In another hand, perhaps updating the Audirvana package as Antoine has just suggested can help.

Exactly same issue with this verision for me. try to login it logs in then seg faults. Checking service status

Apr 16 21:26:47 Plex systemd[1]: audirvanaStudio.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 6.
Apr 16 21:26:47 Plex systemd[1]: Stopped audirvanaStudio.service - Run audirvanaStudio.
Apr 16 21:26:47 Plex systemd[1]: audirvanaStudio.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Apr 16 21:26:47 Plex systemd[1]: audirvanaStudio.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Apr 16 21:26:47 Plex systemd[1]: Failed to start audirvanaStudio.service - Run audirvanaStudio.

Are you using the QNAP or Linux version when you get this behavior?

Linux version

Can you send me the log file at you will find in ~/.local/share/audirvana?

Just emailed them to you,

I received it, I will come back to you by email on this :slight_smile:

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