Select local album fails to show album information

I’ve run into a weird issue with one my 2 AS installations.

If I search for a local track and select it, then when I click on the album (as shown with the arrow) then I end up here

The same thing happens when I click on any album in the album column. It seems AS fails to show the tracks from the album.

If I search for a track on Qobuz it will actually show the album as it should.

The strange thing is. This happens on my M1 MacBook Pro, but not on my 2017 MacBook Air. Both are running macOS 12.4 Monterey, and Audirvana Studio 1.13.3 (11303). Each having a copy of my local library on external storage.

My Air (through Screen Sharing) showing the same album correctly.

I have the same issue in audirvana origin, but not on every album, it’s completely random

here is a gif of the bug, you can clearly see a glitch after i click on the album, audirvana fails to display the album information

Screen Recording 2022-06-28 at 19.30.31

Hello @sandsOfArrakis,

Can you please open Audirvāna Studio using those commands line (you will need the Terminal app of MacOS that you can find under the Utilities folder), we recommend you to copy and paste each line and press enter between each lines:

cd . .
cd . .

Applications/Audirvana\\ Studio

After doing this, Audirvāna Studio will open, reproduce your issue and then send us all of the information you have in Terminal at

Hello @cosmicpoems,

Can you send us your audirvana.dmp and audirvana.log file?

It can be in two different locations :
C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Packages\Audirvana.Audirvana-[… id number that can vary]\LocalCache\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana
C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana

to show AppData folder:


I will do so when I get home from work.

Sorry i forgot to specify, i am on mac

Ok so same thing I sent previously:

I am using audirvana origin, the line didn’t work, even if i replaced studio by origin manually

It’s not working with this?
Applications/Audirvana\\ Origin

helas no, i paste the line from your message

There is two \ missing in the line you you pasted, this is probably why it’s not working :wink:

Also, have you use the command cd . . before doing this?

Ok. Mail sent :smiley:


The test version of AS that you’ve sent works. The bug has disappeared here :ok_hand:

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