[SOLVED] - Remove license from my computers

Hello @ccedgordon,

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two Mac computers you want with your license key. :wink:

Hello @Antoine,

Could you remove all my computers from the license database? I don’t have access to them anymore.


Hello @alyakar,

I removed your PC in our database. You can now use Audirvana on your brand new computer :slight_smile:

Hi, could you also reset my license?
Thank you very much!

Hello @Fabuloux, I removed your computers in our database. You can now enjoy audirvana on two computers :wink:

Hello, would you reset my licenses for me as well. My PC died and has the license stuck on it.
Thank you

Hello @Rythis, i removed your Windows 10 from our database, you can now use Audirvana on two PC

Hi same problem here. Please remove my old Macs from database.

Best regards
Niels Peter

Hello @NielsPK, i removed your Mac from our database, you can now use Audirvana up on two Mac :slight_smile:

I have the same problem. I reinstalled my PC and forgot to deactivate the license in audirvana.
now i have the error too many installations for your license.
Please reset my license.
thank you


Hello Damien

I,m having the same problem as some people and can not install in my second computer, could you please restart my licences?
Thank you.

Hello @cds1974 and @correcaminos, I removed your computers in our database, you can now enjoy Audirvana on up two to computers :slight_smile:

Hello Damien, can you completely reset my licenses please? Thank you in advance!

Hello Damien, could you completely reset my licenses please? Thank you so much!!

Hello Damien,
Please delete my licence key from the database
Order No:

Même problème ici… pourriez vous me réinitialiser mes installations ? j’ai transféré mon disque dur sur un nouveau mac et je n’ai plus accès a audirvana…

Order number: **** .

please delete my license key

Order number: .audirvana.com purchase (Order #)

please delete my license key mail

Same issue. Repaired laptop has new innards, and I would like to reset all licenses so that I can reinstall. (Order ***). Thank you!

@ybergner - I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two Mac computers you want with your license key.

To install Audirvana on your second Mac, you can proceed as for the first one:

  1. install trial version
  2. unlock it by loading your same license key