Please excuse the newbie question, but I am new to using a trial of Audirvana I am enjoying what I am seeing very much so far. Could someone help me understand how to sort my results ? I am particularly noticing it if I have a folder with multiple different genres and I am in the mood for one type in particular.
Thanks very much,
Darren C
Thank you kind person for your time and help.
Darren C
Actually… that option is not enabled when i click on it ?
Sorry my eyes are obviously getting old because I cant see what button that is. could you please make it a little bigger for me ? ha
seems like my top feature menu bar is slightly different though eh ?
can’t you double click here my Picture to see it bigger?
yes, your sort View is not like mine, Even your top bar…
i manage mine to be like it, you can do it like mine too
or different for your taste.
you can click all those icons to see what They do…
Thanks for clarifyng. Is is possible to delete files from folders view ? It would be nice in this view, if there was a song I was positive I never wanted to listen to again, it would be nice to have the ability to remove it from my file system.
Hi Darren,
No, the folder view in Audirvana is limited in what it can do. If you want to permanently delete files from your file system it is best to do that with Finder (Mac) or File Explorer (Windows) depending on your OS.
You can ‘delete’ files in Audirvana, but not from the folder view, but from the ‘track view’ (if I am correct). In that case the files are not physically deleted from your file system, but you simply don’t see them anymore in Audirvana’s library. After that you can inspect those ‘deleted’ files in Audirvana in ‘Settings\Local’ and restore or permanently delete them from there. I never bothered doing that, because IMO it is much easier to do that directly in my OS file system.
I now see that @RunHomeSlow has given a more precise answer in the post below about deleting files in Audirvana itself.
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you can on ‘Album View’ or Tracks View, but not from ‘Folder View’. 
you can see 3 dots when moving mouse over a song… then click to choose Delete… this Will put the song in the trash of Audirvana, but Will let the song in place in the computer.
Or do as @AndyLubke Said.
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