November 21, 2024, 4:00pm
The sortorder has become much better for roman numbering. In special situations it still is strangely sorted.
A possible solution could be to sort the found tracks after
Track Number
as a fallback, if no Tracknumber exists: Name of Track
Thank you for having a look at it.
December 13, 2024, 9:09am
Hi @Antoine
Thank you for your fast answer. I was away, that’s why mine is delayed.
In the tracklist for search results it is not possible to change the sort order.
When I’m searching for “Op. 109” AO shows me the following:
We see several things, that are not in a correct order:
Albums are mixed
Roman numbering does not work always
Tracks, not containing Op. 109 are included, because the album title contains Op. 109 (this can be discussed as a feature)
I would still propose to sort the results after the following order to correct that:
If an album title exists:
Track number
If there is no album title:
Name of Track
Thank you for having a look at it
December 20, 2024, 12:53pm
The screenshot I sent you is not from the search, but the track view under Local.
December 23, 2024, 10:46am
Yes, that’s true. That’s why I explained it again, so there can the sortorder of search results be enhanced.
Thank you and merry Christmax