Sound Quality: Qobuz app versus Audirvana

Did someone directly compare (with Mac) the sound quality of Qobuz via the Qobuz app versus Qobuz via Audirvana?

Thank you


Interesting question. I have Audirvāna running on a Mac Mini M1 and I hear a clear improvement with Audirvāna over the Qobuz app.

However on a Windows Laptop the sound is different but I wouldn’t say one is better than the other.

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There is a similar thread about which I have not seen previously:


I use a windows laptop so not necessarily relevant to MAC. I can use Audirvana 3.5 or Studio to stream Qobuz into a CA CXN V2 to make use of the excellent DAC in that machine. I can also, of course, use the CXN alone to stream Qobuz using their built in Qobuz system. The same DAC and output is being used both ways. I have a choice of usb or dnla. There is no difference between usb and dnla but Studio and 3.5 are both slightly better than using the CXN alone and is worth the difference especially as I have some digital files. Also I find using a phone as a controller for the CXN too much of a faff so prefer to use laptop. However, the radio stations work fine in the CXN but don’t work in Studio. I don’t know if that is any help but I can’t imagine it would be all that different with the Mac version.

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