SoundSource, which redirects sound from any audio app to any output, breaks Audirvana, probably because version 5.7.0 has a new “Audio Routing Kit (ARK), as well as a new ARK plugin, for all audio handling.” It seems like that new piece of software stops Audirvana from sending sound to ANYTHING. I’ve filed a report with the vendor Rogue Amoeba and have removed SoundSource until this is fixed (if it can be) so I can listen to music. This doesn’t affect Apple’s Music app, but that doesn’t have Audirvana’s built-in output selection capabilities.
Why would you allow any such application to compete with Audirvana for Core Audio API’s? Why would you compromise the sound-quality/performance of Audirvana? This seems contrapuntal to the premise of Audirvana being one of the best, if not the best sounding digital-audio playback systems available today… Why would you let another application interfere with Audirvana’s output data integrity?
SoundSource is something useful when I am not doing critical music listening, and I want to route audio inputs to different apps.
The two worked together perfectly well until the 5.7 update. The SoundSource developer and I have figured out that the problem arises when Audirvana is set for “exclusive mode,” which results in a conflict with the new SoundSource version (I downgraded SoundSource to the previous 5.6.3 version and both apps do not conflict when Audirvana is set to use “exclusive mode”). I don’t see this as an Audirvana issue, but one any other users of the two apps should know. Hopefully there can be a fix.
I simply close soundsource when using audirvana.
This is a highly subjective interpretation…
Do you believe that the Audirvana signal-path is completely free of shared influential Core Audio API accumulator/register conflicts under these conditions?
I am assuming that the signal is not affected when SoundSource is not loaded. The developer is looking at the log file generated by the app.
What I don’t understand is “exclusive access.” Turning it off in settings for the DAC input low level access does allow the sound to come through while SoundSource 5.7.1 is running, but Audirvana still shows “Exclusive audio access” is enabled when I play music.
I have now downgraded SoundSource to 5.6.3. Shame that 5.7 doesn’t play nice with Audirvana
The developer is working on a fix…
Seems like a fix isn’t possible. I’ve been through three of the developer’s efforts, but to no avail. Goodbye, SoundSource…
FWIW Soundsource 5.7.5 is working fine with Audirvana. You can now add an app to exclusion list in SoundSource and it will not touch the sound coming from that app
this is the way to go