Strange connection process

Dear all,
I regularly experience some strange connection process when starting AS.
Here is the thing:
1- Remote indicates that:
- It tries to connect to my Mac Mini,
- AND it informs me that there is no reachable computer

2- I click on the computer name and Remote shows there is currently no computer connected (Altough there is something currently playing…) and there is one computer available (My Mac Mini).

3- I have to click on the name of my Mac Mini to get a connection.

That’s pretty weird and happens very frequently. Not a big deal but annoying.

Any idea?


Happen to me half the time…
Alzheimer remote :slight_smile:


Good to know!
I prefer that Alzheimer affects the remote only!!

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Afaik Audirvãna is working on a totally new version of the app, which should become available as a beta version this year. That should be soon, as the year is almost over… :wink: