Support for switching between libraries

i mean the ability to switch between different root folders and have them treated as separate libraries, like putting all my classical stuff into one lib, and all the powernoise in another or so, and not getting everything merged up in the player app (no, selecting “genre” wouldn’t be practical as the folders are organised already, and re-setting metadata take n>1 lifetimes)

Just a thought

Hi @achwas

… for what purpose. You can easily use the"sort" metadata to group classical, jazz, folk and acid and have library always immediately available.

That’s what I do anyway.



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Perhaps @achwas does not have genre specified in metadata.
A lot of my files ripped from cd or digitised from vinyl, I don’t bother with genre.
Genre is to subjective… and everyday there’s a new one!

I don’t sort bgrnre. Sort in the “sort as” in metadata in album view. It allows me to put “J” in the best art so all Jazz albums apo~ar under “J”

To get more sophisticated I use symbols or space to place my selections in a certain order. German Lieder is in “as sort” - “” space" GL"

I know it’s finickerty (some say nuts) but very easy to do once your sort decisions are made.

And all my albums add available in one page, so to speak, simply by scrolling.


I’m always in album view, albums sorted by artist.
Looking for particular artist to have a listen to, use search.
That’s as complex as I get…

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That’s what I mean. We all want a sort that suits us. I always have that sort fuekd with composer surname. For classical it’s the most usual I think.

Other genres might gave any number of requirements.

My intense (some say finickerty) curating really suits ne… and then there is the search box.

Great fun!

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Classical is probably the most complex. Then Jazz.
But then you could finesse your metadata with band members names, and sort by say, Keith Flint, or Paul Kossof, or — That would be silly though!

I don’t think that’s silly though. If a particular drummer or saxophonist is your desire then that [quote=“reddog1, post:7, topic:42136”] finesse [/quote] is necessary… I think.


In the jazz context I agree, but I dont pick a pink floyd album by looking for Nick Mason, for instance. If he was in another band, I would listen the an album of theirs because I liked the album, not because Nick Mason was on it… is my point.