Tag Composeur

I am a Classical enthusiast, so searching and viewing the name of the composer (Chopin, Schumann etc.) is very important.
Except with Remote no track can we see the name of the composer, yet they are tagged.
Is it possible to add that?
It is very frustrating to listen to a piece of a piano concerto and not know if we are listening to Betthoven or Chopin…
PS AS installed with linux Gentooplayer

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Can you do that ? does it helps?

Thank you
But excuse me, it’s not the same thing.
I’m not looking for a composer, but when I play an album I would like to know a maximum of information directly
That’s the minimum for me
It doesn’t seem complicated to me, all software does that!!!
When I play a track anywhere I have this information
Why in AS don’t we have the composer line when we play the track?

In track view you can select what you want to see:

If you right-click on the titles of the columns you can check your selection and select exactly the tags you want to see (or de-select the tags you don’t want to see):

You can also drag and drop columns with your mouse (left-button) to the place you want them and you can change the width of the columns by dragging the vertical line with your mouse:

Lastly: if you click on a column title you can sort them.

People are only trying to help you here. Your original question was not very clear and in your title you state “Tag Composeur”.
If this is not what you mean, maybe you can provide some more clarity and/or screenshots where you exactly want to see that information and what exactly you want to do?

maybe my title is wrong.
I apologize.
You show me from AS of the PC and not from Remote.
I put you images, which give the idea.
The first 2 are from JPLAY IOS
the other 2 are from Audirvana Remote

The Remote App does not show that information.

You can add a request in the “User Voice” cartegory of this forum.

On the 2nd image of JPLAY there is several information about the track that we are playing, including the composer

My apologies. My mistake. I showed you the tracks in the Windows app. I did not notice that this was the section ‘Audirvana remote app’. :wink: