Tag multi artists


I’m trying to understand how Audirvana handles multiple artists.
Frederic Alarie; Bernard Primeau; Lorraine Desmarais
it doesn’t see the artists by itself, but it takes the 3 artists mentioned as one…
It doesn’t work either with
Frederic Alarie\Bernard Primeau etc.

How to have separate tags for each artist?


The separator should be ;;; (three semicolon)

but sorry not working:

A) Archie Shepp;;;New York Contemporary Five;;;John Tchicai;;;Don Cherry;;;Don Moore;;;J. C. Moses

B) Archie Shepp;;; New York Contemporary Five;;; John Tchicai;;; Don Cherry;;; Don Moore;;; J. C. Moses

I have one only artist tag…

… something must have changed, try to follow this thread


But it’s unmanageable…thousands of albums of classical and opera, but also of Jazz…
And if I come back to Jplay, which reads them; between artists without worries and without retyping everything, I will have to rewrite it…
I like the SQ of Audirvana, but the library management and the tags are very bad…
I have just started 24 months of subscription…maybe it was not necessary to do it…

Hi @stefano_mbp

I use this in the edit mode for the album and for each track.

