Thumbnails not updated

I have found some new and better album cover images. I copied them to the album directories and replaced the existing Folder.jpg file.

It seems that Audirvana does not update the thumbnail images. Is it possible to update all thumbnails or a selection?

Hi @Benno,

Have you tried to restart Audirvāna?

Hi @Antoine,

Yes, I have restarted the app using “close all apps”.

Audirvana displays the right image only in full album-image view.
The album list view and the album tracklist view display the wrong image.

Kind regards,
Benno Jansen

Which version of Audirvāna are you using? Is this the Linux/Windows/MacOS version?

Audirvāna on QNAP NAS, app on a Samsung Tab A8.

I will check this out and report you back as soon as possible.

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I have reproduced the issue. To make sure we are on the same page, your tracks do not have cover embedded in them, however you put a cover.jpg file in the album folder which is then displayed in Audirvāna.
You then wanted to change this file with a different one, but it is never updated in Audirvāna. Can you confirm this?

That’s correct.

Only one small remark, just to be precise; the filename of the album image is called ‘Folder.jpg’ and it’s the only image in the directory.

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Hi guys, can you please try to reproduce the issue with this test version?

Hi @Antoine,

I will test the beta next week. Currently I’m on holiday in Rouen-Vouvray-Caen. :slight_smile:


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Hi @Antoine,

I’m afraid that the issue is not yet resolved :disappointed_relieved:
It seems that the album image is only updated if one of the album’s music files is renamed.

In the search result I first saw ‘Offspring’ and ‘The Offspring’, but after changing a track file name, the album image was updated and the correct album artist was listed in the search results. The file path remained unchanged.

Almost immediate update: Change of track title and/or track artist
After filename update: Change of Album artist and/or image (Folder.jpg)