Time spacing incorrect

To add another experience to this thread. Yes I have seen this. In my case I run AS on a system typically in the past with between 64-128 GB RAM and have seen it on 40 core GPU M4 Max variants. For me in line mode it will extend beyond the end time text or in waveform view it will result in downspikes to the base of the AS window or the waveform bar will disappear in its entirety.

For me it seems to occur only when playing DSD 128 or 256 classical files and longer pieces of music at that. Last saw it a couple of days ago when playing LSO/Rattle/Eberle Beethoven violin concerto. Seems to be a graphics glitch and a very intermittent one at that. I assume in my case only occurs with larger DSD files trying to cram in a lot of data to the waveform bar as the graphics capabilities of my notebooks are pretty strong. A minor bug to fix, but yes we would all love software to be perfect… not that I will ever see it, all software has its bugs.

For information have seen this for a long time back in macOS Ventura days so not a Sequoia issue.

Edit to show the waveform view with the downspiking glitch…

And an obvious one where it has dissapeared…

This problem already existed and it seems that it was fixed in one of the updates, but it came back again.
I hope they solve it again.

Four (4) users responded with similar observations in the 2023 thread… Now One (1) more… :thinking:

The waveform display is never fully representative of the signal… it is always a generalized display… The type of file and the density of the data should have nothing to do with this behavior. Logically, what reasoning would a programmer have, to allow the graphic space/dimensionality, operate dynamically as described in this behavior…? If this behavior is common-place and I have never observed this behavior, then I am thoroughly engrossed in the music playback and not fixated on what is going on with the application graphics.

Also, I don’t see the value in displaying a graphic of the waveform when not analyzing the file… It just seems like a waste of System resources, no matter how abundant those resources may be in any given computer platform.
:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes: