"Too many installations" error

Hello @piyopiyo, it’s done for you too. You can now activate Audirvana up on two computers.

Problem solved.
Thank you for your quick response.

Hi, Can i install one license on a Mac and a Windows 10 computer? It gives me the error too many installs.
Thank you ,


Hello @srdejesus, the second install can only be done on the same OS as it as been purchased. In your case it’s MacOS.

I am also having issues with Mac showing I have too many computers. They replaced my mother board twice and could not use them to deauthorize. What do you need from me to wipe the slate clean?

Hello @SeanD, i remove your computers in our database, you can now activate Audirvana up on two computers.

Damien, at least one copy, in the computer from which I am writing, remains authorized. I quit it and relaunched and it is still authorized and active without my entering anything.

Same problem for me, please remove my computers in your database. It would be great if you could add a button in App for de-authorisation of all computers.
Thanks in advance


Same issue here. I just got my stationary computer back from service and now I can’t start Audirvana. Please remove it from my database.

Sorry for the trouble but could you please reset my licences? I had a problem with my MacBook Air and was unable to deactivate the licence before reinstalling the OS.

Many thanks.


Hello @mabo42, @01010110 an @DJMUK,

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two computers you want with your license key.

To install Audirvana on your second computer, you can proceed as for the first one:

  1. install trial version
  2. unlock it by loading your same license key

Hello Damien

I upgraded both Macs to Catalina (fresh install) before deactivating A+, can you please remove all my activations from the DB?


Hello @safari70, it’s done for your too :slight_smile:

I have the same issue, only I have just the two systems. I was trying to reinstall macOS on the same system, but had some hardware issues. I now assume that it looks like I have like 10 macs with Audirvana. I just have this present system and another old macpro that is not active atm. can you please help me with getting Audirvana working on my present imac? thanks.

Hello @m0reilly, I removed your computer in our database :slight_smile:

Thank you Damien3!!!

Same problem for me, please remove my computers in your database.

Ditto, After upgrading to Catalina I have no more installs. Please remove all my computers from the license database.
Thank you in advance.

Hello @me02, Thank you for your interest in Audirvana

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two Mac computers you want with your license key.

To install Audirvana on your second Mac, you can proceed as for the first one:

  1. install trial version
  2. unlock it by loading your same license key

Thank you. Worked out great!