Trial period difficulty downloading Audirvana

I have been trying through Quad to resolve this issue and when reading blogs etc others are having the same problem and it seems to lie with the Play-fi app. They have replied to my questions via Quad but have not come up with anything that has worked as yet. I wonder if Audirvana might take this up with Play-fi as it is something that needs working on and until resolved it is preventing us from buying into Audirvana. The following is an interesting observation made on a facebook Quad group:-

" I am using the PlayFi app with my Audiolab 6000N networkplayer. As a reviewer I have the possibility to compare PlayFi with over Programs. Using the App with a NAS with 2TB musical content is a disaster because there is no search possibility. Besides that in comparison with Apps like Volumio, JRiver and Audirvana is very big. PlayFi is very slow, not gapless and is soaking the battery of my IPad because PlayFi is not streaming but casting…I am waiting for a new update (>6.0) so I can use the Audiolab in a normal streaming DNLA/UPnP enviroment without bugs and drop-outs ."

I sent this to Quad who passed it onto Play-fi and this is their response:

“We do have an option with Qobuz to do just that though, and that’s in the Transfer function and it may help this customer. If he starts playback, all he needs to do is tap the Transfer button on the album art of the Now Playing screen, and this will shift the stream onto the product.”


I don’t think Play-fi are recognising the problem!

You are definitely right, they are not solving your issue, they are talking about something completely different :confused:

I have just received the following reply from Play-fi via Quad and it seems they do not recognise a problem. What would be the chance of your liasing with them to adress this issue.

Hello David,
Thank you for your reply,
I have contacted DTS Play-fi and they have replied,

We’re compatible with most DMR implementations, so I would assume they’re just doing something different. We haven’t done any testing with it, so I’d have to investigate to see what’s different.

Best Regards

Steve Hughes

Can you forward us the mail that have been sent by them at

Would there be any way to stream to a 6000N directly without involving Play-Fi?