Unable to make Studio function-at all

I have been using Audirvana for a long time. I think that my current version is 3.5. After upgrading to A HoloAudio May-KTE Dac, I needed a player software that can play the highest resolution files. I attempted to install the 30day Free trial of Audirvana Studio today. After what seemed like a good installation, I was prompted to allow the download to collect the existing music library, used with Audirvana 3.5.

After several minutes this appeared;

“Damaged database file at location/user/macmini/Library/Application support/AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite
Restore a correct file from a backup or delete it and try again.”

Every time I try to start Studio via the application Icon, the above warning message appears and the Audirvana Studio program never opens.

I have been unable to locate the above described file on my macmini, or on any of the external music filled backup hard drives. I am totally frustrated at this point and would greatly appreciate ANY experienced advice.

Thank You,

Lance A.

This may be of help finding hidden files