»Unable to switch to integer mode« again :-(

S.M.S.L SU-1

Ten more days passed … Will that issue still remain unsolved, @Antoine?

Hi @Audi100,

I will need the unit to test this issue. As I will come to the PAVS the following Monday, I will ask the French reseller for a unit.

Very good!

What was his answer, by the way?

Hi @Audi100,

I’m sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I couldn’t talk with him, but I contacted another French distributor today to see if they could lend me a unit.

I’m very much looking forward to that.

By the way – not sure if this info is relevant:

I lately tried an »XMOS USB DAC driver« app, supplied by S.M.S.L. With that, the »Unable to switch to integer mode« problem does not occur. (But additional problems do, so this is no solution.)

Hi @Audi100,

I finally got an SMSL U1 earlier this week and made a test today. I don’t experience your issue with the 2.94. version of studio. Can you please check if it’s the same for you? Also, can you send me a screenshot of your audio settings once you get the error?

The DAC is an S.M.S.L SU-1, alright?


Yes it is, I will do more test to make sure I’m not missing something.