Unlock the DAC using the remote?

I can pause a track with the remote, but I can’t figure out how to unlock the DAC using the remote like I can on my mac.

Is it possible to unlock from the remote?

Doesn’t it pop up a stop button box? I’m not home to check but I think it should

With 3.5, a stop button appeared on the remote after hitting pause. In Origin, the play triangle appears instead of the stop button. I can’t find a way to unlock the DAC from the remote.

Duh….got it. First pause play then settings. Then you can access all of your devices.

I take it that this is what you want, a way to change playback devices.

Hi @OffRode


On remote hit the mini player button and you get a large button which reads “Unlock Audio Device” under the playng controls.



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Knew I had seen that! Thank you Philip, two different ways to get there I guess.

Sorry. Putting in an our when not needed. I thought your way was desktop… silly me.

Absolutely I needed to see that myself, I’d forgotten how to do that even though I remembered seeing it once………teamwork brother :+1:t2:
Thank you again.

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I thought I had replied earlier, but thanks everyone for helping me out. Using the Unlock Audio Device button on the remote works perfectly!

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