Updates to Audirvana 3.5

When money and business are involved, there’s very little place for morality. Only legal constraints have a value.
If it happens, Roon will even hire PR specialists that will find the arguments to paint it nicely.

You Sir are a cynic! I judge a company by it’s past behaviour. Once a good reputation is lost, it’s near impossible to get it back.

I’m not a cynic, I’m a realist;
We were discussing Microsoft in another thread.
Bill Gates, copied the Mac and other technologies… Killed the competition to MS Office in a very immoral way. Killed Netscape in a very ugly way… Did any of this prevent him from becoming one of the richest men on the planet?
No, he retired and became the champion of philanthropy with his Bill and Melinda Foundation. And that’s how he will be remembered.

I did not say that it will happen. I said that it may happen. This or something similar.

What did they state prcisely?

I don’t understand. What Windows has to do with it?

I did not say they will become obsolete. You could make them function as an ordinary NUC. But it’s a pain in the ass. And people have other things to do.

I’m not worried at all. I just answered @lucretius.
I have enough players that I fully own, and won’t ever be stuck with a given software.

I don’t if what you say is true for everybody, but it’s obviously true for you. You have everything in double and triple, so you have backup solutions.

Where did I dwell?
Unless you have a contract that protects the rights that you believe you should have, you have nothing. That’s what I was explaining to Lucretius.
I don’t put my money on nice words and promises whatever the context.

And I don’t get yours.

It’s a topic that interests me as it is related to a hobby on which I invest passion, time and money. I don’t have to be a subscriber to one of these two players to have an opinion. I tried both AS and Roon, so I have things to say.

For AS, I hope to subscribe to it, if it is repaired one day.
And I’m planning to try Roon again for two months, later this year.

I’m an Audirvana user since 2014, the year in which I bought my first license, and I spent already many years using its products.

What’s your history with this brand?
If I’m not mistaken, it started in the beginning of this year… Or in the end of last year…

Answered here:


With “lifetime” subscriptions you should always calculate how much time it takes to break even. We all know that even with the best intentions it won’t last anybody’s lifetime, unless you’re unlucky.


If you are not protected by contractual obligations, you should expect anything.
And even in this case, nothing is sure.
Look how France was f*cked yesterday by the US and Australia on a $40 bn deal for subs, though it has a solid contract.

For Microsoft and Apple, do you mind moving your post to the thread that was created for that? Otherwise, we will derail this thread, as we did on the thread about Roon and Audirvana, and the other members of the forum will be unhappy.

If I was sure that “lifetime” won’t break, I would have bought already a license from Roon in the name of my son. He is a young man, and the investment would stand for some 5 decades and hopefully more.

Again, it’s a risk assessment. If you manage to extract more value than what you would have payed by subscribing, then it’s worth it. Beyond the break even point it’s pure value for you. More it lasts less your monthly cost will be globally.

If you like Roon, get the lifetime subscription. It’s great value (while it lasts).


It was in the news yesterday:

Thanks but I have no idea what this has to do with the conversation.

@Doudou wants to imply that even if you have contract you can be taken for a ride.

If you obtained the lifetime billing option today, withing 6 years you will realize the benefits vis-à-vis 6 or more years of annual subscriptions (assuming Roon lasts that long). Although, it would have been better to get it when it was $499. No need to wait 50 years to realize the benefits.