to save keep bothering the community , is there a user manual for this beast ?
I’ve searched but its not longer a thing
Is this something thats available ? Some programs have a HELP function , but I don’t see this
to save keep bothering the community , is there a user manual for this beast ?
I’ve searched but its not longer a thing
Is this something thats available ? Some programs have a HELP function , but I don’t see this
You should check this out
The link @Antoine provided above is basically the user manual.
On most screens in Audirvana you see an ‘info’ icon. Click on that icon to get help on that subject.
Thanks - but to be totally honest, I’m not enjoying the experience - it all just seems a bit cumbersome , stuff not being updated, crashing , I know I’m paying a premium for Roon - and now, having retired - I won’t be able to afford it for much longer. I’ve changed the Metadata 3 times and it’s still not correct in AV. also , for example , Roon just seems more intuitive. Maybe I should persevere ? but I’ve closed AV, re opened it and the Metadata has still not corrected. It’s a shame as AV is nearly there for me…
You clicked the save button after editing??
I don’t use Audirvana for editing metadata. IMO it is more practical to use external software for that (MusicBrainz Picard - free, MP3 Tagger - free etc.). Before I add my music to the (Audirvana) library I edit it with forementioned software. Audirvana is IMO foremost a very high quality audio player. Roon is much more a ‘glossy magazine’. Both are completely different.
I get it you are more used to Roon, but Audirvana and Roon have a different approach. When I used Roon for the first time I thought it was cumbersome, because I was used to Foobar2000 which has more a ‘folder structure’ approach. I was almost lynched on the Roon forum when asking for a ‘folder view’. That is one of the reasons I stopped with Roon.
If you can adjust to editing your metadata in another program (there are a lot of very good free programs out there to do so) and forget your Roon workflow than you start noticing that Audirvana is not so bad, just different .
Hi Andy
All of the Metadata is edited, corrected and saved using Metadatics
I then rescan the Data and nothing has changed
I get that it’s different - and I’m ok with editing in another App - but when it’s still not getting the amendments is irritates me bit