Will wait for the next Audirvana version – MAIN PROBLEMS SOLVED

Thanks Damien. Much appreciated.

I use a 6 years old MacBook Pro and play files form a NAS (Synology). Never had any issues with interruptions or such. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t have the same experience, but obviously there are some issues with your setup. You’ll have to work to fix those.

That’s good to hear and good to know. If you could tell me a bit more about your setup, I might be able to get to the ground of the problems I have with my setup. I use a Qnap NAS and my DAC is a Goldnote DS-10. They are connected via a Lan cable, so I would rule out the network connection.

On the Synology I have AFP and SMB (level 2) enabled. It’s important to enable min level 2 for SMB protocol, otherwise there are problems with Catalina. Make sure you have read-write rights on the share there the music library is stored.

Which router do you have? Both your Mac and NAS are connected to this router via cable? Are you streaming to the Gold Note or you’re using USB? How much memory(RAM) you have installed on your Mac? What’s the size of the pre-load cache?

Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate, you spending your time for that!

I never looked deep into my network settings as I never had problems streaming videos or music from my NAS onto my Macs, iPad, or other devices with any other software I used or use. This always worked seamless without any hiccups and still does. The only exception here is Audirvana on both my Macs, the 2015 MacBook Pro with 16GB RAM and the new 2020 M1 MacBook Air with 8GB RAM.

Looking at my Qnap NAS: SMB is activated with versions 1 to 3. I don’t specifically have an “AFP” setting, I guess that’s within the “Apple network” settings here. I do communicate with my NAS over my Macs - works perfect. So, Apple-Talk is activated, including DHX2. My router is the latest Fritz!Box and both, the NAS and the DAC are connected via LAN cable. Streaming to the DAC also goes via the LAN cable – works great.

But what I don’t have on my NAS is a physical cache. I would have to buy a M.2 SSD on a PCI card for it, which isn’t cheap. Else I only have spinning hard drives. But what I will do - and thanks for pointing me into that direction - is putting more RAM into the NAS. This might help to get rid of the hiccups.

Another idea is to take an external hard drive and connect it directly to the DS-10 via USB, without the NAS. But the whole idea of my audio set-up is using the DS-10 streaming DAC in connection with my NAS, and getting rid of all the rest.

Set it to 2 to 3. Check the pre-load cache. Start with 2048MB.

NAS performance is not that critical. My Synology is a budget 2 bay that is now 10 years old. It works with up to DSD256 without any issues.

I have to think about buying Audirvana, as the test period is over. But I will change the minimum SMB version to version 2 and see if it affects anything else here. I can’t remember having seen a setting for a cache in Audirvana, although that was something I was looking for. Or is this a setting somewhere else?

It’s in the DAC settings.

I just bought Audirvana and it is building up the library… :grimacing:

Found it - has a different name in German language and comes with a typo too :slight_smile: I changed it from the pre-installed 3.x GB to the minimum of 256MB and will see if this changes Audirvana’s behaviour.

If someone from Audirvana reads this, it says “Max. Speicher reserviert für das vprladen von Tracks”. It should be “Max. Speicher reserviert für das Vorladen von Titeln”. The typo is “vprladen” and “Titel” is the German word for track which becomes “Titeln” in this case.

@Antoine: My above correction of the German sentence “Max. Speicher reserviert für das vprladen von Tracks” needs an upgrade, as there is also a comma missing. It should read “Max. Speicher, reserviert für das Vorladen von Titeln” And if there’s enough space, you could write “Maximaler Speicher, reserviert für das Vorladen von Titeln”.

I guess, I found out what the problem was with the hiccups and the titles not playing to the end - and Audirvana isn’t to blame for it!

So, I apologize for any possible misbehaviours. I was bit crumpy, after some time of using Audirvana without being able to address the problems I had with it.

The main problems I had were the hiccups and songs that won’t play until the end. So, yesterday I sat down in front of the Audirvana program, played a lot of music to find a pattern of when all this happens. It seemed that whenever Audirvana pre-loaded the next song, it got stuck for a millisecond, which happened when still playing a title, thus the hiccup.

I then changed the endpoint away from my DAC to my MacBook’s speakers and everything played just fine, without any problems. I cross checked with the DAC’s own control app on my iPad, which I never used, as it is really, really bad for playing music (really, really bad, not just normal bad, more like crap bad). Playing the same music from the same source, now to the DAC worked fine too. Then I checked for differences in the settings of the control app and Audirvana and noticed the possibility to toggle gapless playing within the control app. I never noticed this, you can’t toggle this in the DAC’s menu (I just got an email from Goldnote that confirmed that), so I never was aware of this feature. It’s not even mentioned in the manual. As gapless playback was advertised as a feature of the DAC I always thought it was switched on automatically when starting it.

Long evening with beer and good music short: Switching the gapless playback in the control app “on” did the trick, the hiccups are gone and up to now all songs play from the beginning to the end. I will blame Goldnote for this though, as not only you would need to know this, which isn’t mentioned anywhere, you also have to run that crap software at least once, which only runs on Android and iOS.

So, Audirvana plays nice, even after a restart of both, the DAC and Audirvana. I’m actual quite happy I found a replacement for JRiver’s Media Center, which plays great but has a 1980ies GUI and needs a bit too much attention.

Thanks everybody who was trying to help, especially @bitracer, who – without knowing – encouraged me to keep on exploring the problem.

@Antoine: The debug info still says gapless playing is turned off on the DS-10.

Also, I will add my wishes somewhere else in the forum and also put a note about the DS-10 gapless playback somewhere suitable.


Glad to know that you have been able to figure this out, it’s a bit strange what Gold Note have done about gapless, the DAC says that the gapless feature is here but this setting to enable gapless is a bit strange.

For your wishes:

repeat function for a single song; -> already here, click two times on repeat function to repeat the track currently playing.

play button for playing all albums of an artist in the album section as well as in the artist section; -> this has been requested by many users and we are taking a look at it.

playlist: “play all songs” (for playing your complete library); -> if you go in Library in track view and you start a track, all of your library will be played.

a play-button next to a playlist, so it starts playing without the need of clicking a specific title; -> this has been requested by many users and we are taking a look at it.

If a song/album has finished playing it could be somehow highlighted, so I know what played last; -> we note your suggestion

When I play a playlist or albums of an artist and, while listening, go through my music collection I only come back to the playlist/album/artist I am playing at the moment with the “back” arrow. It would be great to have a direct way to re-open that playlist/album/artist section by just one click, probably somewhere next to the play section on the bottom of the screen; -> you can click on the name of the artist/album in the currently playing section of Audirvana and you will be brought to the correct section.

typing in a letter should bring one to the first artist of the artist and album section. It’s annoying that you always have to scroll and scroll and scroll through your library -> this is a problem that has been reported by users with large library and we are looking for something to make the navigation of large library more convenient.

Thanks for your reply!

I tried clicking twice on the repeat symbol - as I though that would do the trick, but it didn’t. I’ll check again. If it’s there, I must have done something wrong. I guess I also was confused by the not changing symbol, which I’m used to with other players.

Thanks to another user here I found out how to create a playlist for all songs but your idea is even better - I never thought about that.

And for the rest: I’m looking forward into new features with 3.x!

Thanks again!

“playlist: “play all songs” (for playing your complete library); -> if you go in Library in track view and you start a track, all of your library will be played.”

This actually is one of the crap things in Audirvana. When I choose “Tracks” within the library and klick the play button, it doesn’t start to play the content of the library, but the last album played. This happens all the time, that Audirvana does not empty it’s cache (or wherever it stores it’s internal playlist), but keeps on playing the last selection. I do expect to be able to play what I see in the library. If this concept can’t be changed, it would be great to have a play button next to or on top of the library/playlist, etc. It is not a good user interface if one has to choose a library/playlist and then activate a title to start playing that library/playlist.
Also, Audirvana is very confused and refuses working, when something is played and I go to a different library/playlist and click on a title to start playing the library. One has to quit and re-open Audirvana. This is - pardon my French - shit.

And Audirvana stops playing again. Is it possible that Audirvana is NOT able to play large playlists or any playlist at all? It plays single albums quite good, but else, it shows some action and then stops. This is more than poor.

I’m officially through with Audirvana now. Since I tried playing songs from a playlist and went back to playing albums Audirvana refuses to play anything. It starts playing a song and stops after two or so seconds. A restart does not clean the silly behaviour.

I go back to JRiver’s Mediacenter and rather work with a 1980s GUI but without any playing issues than having a nice looking software with far too many bugs for what this software costs. I hope I get the refund I asked for.

Good luck to any users here.

So you recommend that we should not keep the play queue while you are in the view Track?

What do you mean by “refuses working”? Audirvana is freezing or hanging?

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