Windows Origin 2.0 SHIFT key functionality broken

Just wanted to report an annoying issue with Origin v2.0.0 (20000) for Windows. I’m not sure if this is the right place or not, or if it also applies to Studio.

If I am in a playlist and I want to remove entries, I usually select the first item (left mouse button), then hold down SHIFT key, then select the last item, and all entries in between are automatically selected. This worked fine in Origin v1.x but this functionality has been broken in v2.0.0. Using the CTRL key to select multiple entries still works fine, but I use the SHIFT key functionality every day and would really like it back as it makes it much easier to manage playlists.

Thank you so much. Overall the updated UI looks a bit nicer for Windows users except for this one thing.

Hello @dh2571,

Thanks for your report, I have been able to reproduce this behavior and we will fix it.

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Just wanted to stop by and thank you for fixing this issue with the latest release, cheers!

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I just noticed that CTRL+A (select all) in a playlist also does not work in Origin for Windows. Not sure if this is intentional or an oversight. I know the app was originally programmed for MacOS, so… CTRL+A isn’t really a “thing” there (I don’t think). Thanks!

Hi @dh2571,

In fact the Ctrl+A is not implemented in the Windows version for the moment of Audirvāna Studio/Origin. It will require some time for us to add it to the app.