2 Suggestions for Origin (& one possible solution)

I’m just trying out Origin and have a couple of suggestions that I think might be useful (on Mac at least)

  1. can it pop up a ‘notification’ on track change showing track details, like iTunes/Music/Qobuz does?
  2. might it be possible to have an option to display a mini set of player controls in the menu bar (like Tune•Instructor https://www.tune-instructor.de/en/ ) as sometimes it’s easier to use menu bar (or for me, another app takes over the function keys, so to use player controls, I’d have to use the ‘fn’ keyboard key as well as actual fn-key… ??

A possible solution for slow library sync/import might be to remove ‘iTunes/music’ library and then ‘sync’ it again, as this seems to have worked for me after installing trial and it picking some old settings from a previous Audirvana app that might not now be valid…


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Mr Inspiratinional and Mr Fixit. Thank you.