3.5 and the other two versions

What are the differences between the new 3.5 and Origin as far as the interface is concerned? I can’t try it out, as it’s telling me that there is no trial option. I am currently on the Origin trial.

My two cents on Audirvana.

  1. There needs to be a way to go with larger fonts. Two settings is not enough. I have MC31, and I can go as high as 400%. On a computer or laptop, that works, but on a big screen sitting 12 feet away, it doesn’t.
  2. It’s good that Audirvana can use Audio Units, but having these windows floating around is not exactly polished. I have to switch between windows to use the EQ or any other effect. These effects should be accessible from a button on the main view and it should fill the area where the Album Info is at.
  3. The Lock Button should be inside the Preferences, so that one does not have to be going in and out of the preferences. It’s easy when you are in front of a computer or in a laptop, but on a large screen with a bluetooth keyboard it is very cumbersome.

There is no ‘new’ 3.5, and therefore no trial of it exists.
Do you mean Audirvana Studio? There is a trial version of that.

You can enlarge the font by going in Appearance settings:

If it’s not enough for you, then I strongly recommend you to try the Audirvāna Remote app, you can use for free on a iOS or Android device.

You have the choice to display them or not. You need to disable the real time mode and it won’t be displayed when you play your track but the effect will be applied:


It is in the audio settings of Audirvāna Origin :wink:


Opps, I just saw the LOCK in the Settings. Ok, one down.

As for the others:

  1. I just downloaded the 3.5. It’s simply called: Audirvana_3.5.50.dmg
  2. Yes, I am using the mobil app, but that’s not as good as MediaCenter 31.
  3. So if I want to make changes in real time, that’s the only way to do it? For a software that costs more than $100, that doesn’t sound right.

I also forgot to mention there is no visualizer.

Of course not, when you select your plugin, you have the “Configure” button next to it so you can set it up before playing back your music.

That’s because it’s an audio player.