3 degrees of clueless

Another take on my pet gripe.

Without the artist listed I am COMPLETELY clueless as to what is included on a Tidal playlist that I did not create myself. Even my own playlists are hard to decipher without the artist being listed. How are others navigating these waters?

I agree that this is not the most convenient format.

What helps me is to activate the album viewmode. Click on the eye. The Icons are then zoomable.

I don’t recall this state being the case before Audirvana Studio. Who made the decision to go this route? And more importantly, WHY?

I have no idea. And no idea if it will stay that way. I don’t think it’s very difficult for @Antoine to set this up differently.

For now this is my way of finding the music.

We will change this in a future update of the Remote as it has already be said in a duplicate topic made by @michael.anda


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