A+ 3.1.1 stops playing at the end of the track!


I’m using A+ 3.1.1 with my Hegel H160 via USB. Everything works perfectly. Except when I’m streaming from Tidal (AAC 320 kbps). Then “sometimes” it stops at the end of the track without going to the next one. I’ve tried to do a lot of different stuff in Audirvana preferences to solve the problem. When I’m playing music files of any format locally (from my HDD) there’ s no problem. When streaming from Tidal in low quality (AAC 96 kbps) there’s no problem. Why is it doing that? Something to do with the so-called gapless playback proces?


Okay. Found out what is causing the problem. The problem appears when Tidal is streaming at 320 kbps while using an audio unit! In this case I use the graphic equalizer from Apple (AUGraphicEQ). If I turn on the plugin the problem appears! If I turn it off the problem disappears! So this must be a bug in the program?! But if I turn on “Realtime audiounits control and setup” while the plugin is activated, it seems that there is no problem as well. I hope this bug is going to be fixed in a future version of Audirvana :smiley:


Can you send me by PM or email a copy of the Debug Info (Audirvana Plus menu command) so I can get more details about your setup.
That’ll help me reproduce your issue, as I can’t for now…


I have noticed a similar issue, but with me it’s with local files (SSD, connected through external USB 3 enclosure). Sometimes a track just stops playing, only a couple of seconds before audirvana should go to the next track. If I choose another album to play and go back to the ‘troubled’ track, it stops at the same point. If I choose next track manually, go back to the ‘troubled’ track, it plays perfectly fine and goes to the next track without problems. It seems that it’s different albums and not quite reproducible but it is there and is not something I noticed before.

I’m also using a plugin, the Canopener Studio.



Is it happening without the plugin?
Are the two tracks (the one stopping, and the next one) having different sample rates?

Whether or not it happens without the plugin, I can’t really tell. I haven’t noticed it yet when I turn it off, since I don’t have so much time to try it out at the moment. But as it happens only occasionally, I can’t be sure.

The tracks are the same bitrate and sample-rate (same album) as is the other album I try to get ‘things going again’.

I never noticed this behaviour with older versions though, only since the 3.1.xxxx series.



I have the same behavior using v2.6.8 with AudioUnits enabled. If I enable “Live” setting for AudioUnits, problem seem to go away. It doesn’t matter if I stream from Qobuz or playing local files.

I’ve already tried to contact support via the email form on the website and on Twitter with no response. I’ve sent my hardware profile etc.

Has there been any progress on this?



Main issue is that I can’t reproduce it, nor have enough information to find where the issue could be.
So any detailed how to reproduce this will be really helpful.


As I stated before, it happens occasionally, so it’s not really reproduce-able. One time it can happen with a song, going to another album and going back doesn’t help, the song halts a couple of seconds just before the end again (always 2-3 seconds before the end; it’s seems a pretty regular position). Only selecting the next track (within the same album) manually, ‘fixes’ it and the song doesn’t hang/halt anymore. Even after a while, going back to that song doesn’t produce anything weird and just plays. But it happens, only very occasionally.



When this happens, can you try to stop playback, then start again one or two tracks before?
You can accelerate playback by seeking to the last seconds of the previous tracks.
It may be more a sequence of specific tracks that triggers this issue

I have the similar issue with both Tidal and library files, but only when streaming to a UPnP device (Pioneer SC-75). I get a file or 2 or stop in the middle. Audirvana still says playing, but no time advancing and no sound. Random locations and files, so not repeatable. But ALWAYS happens somewhere in the first several songs of an album or playlist. UPnP has the best sound quality, but is not usable for me.

But if I use Airfoil and send via airplay, no issues.

Hi Damien,
I have probably the same issue (as referred to in the subject. I am not sure if the post before mine refers to the same) maybe I can contribute because this bug makes audirvana unusable for me.
Right now I am using A+ 3.1.8 with current audirvana remote app.
The problem occurs nearly every second or third track.
I start playback via remote app and at the end of the song playback hangs.
The strange thing is, when I open the remote on my iPad do iPhone there is a difference between the time played and the track time. The difference is always 2 seconds.
The progress bar then continues progressing for another 2 seconds and then the next track ist played as normal.

This behaviour is reproducible. Whenever playback hags at the end of a track I have to open the remote app to continue to the next song.

I don’t know if this makes any sense at all but maybe there is a bug in the calculation of the track length so audirvana „thinks“ it has to play back another 2 seconds before starting the new track but there is nothing left to play.

Hope this information helps to hunt down the bug!

Cheers Cenar

by the way…
Today I used iTunes for playback of some Apple Music Tracks and had the same behavior.
After a little web research I came across this discussion in the apple community.
So maybe it is in fact a macOS problem.

Cheers Cenar

Just come across this post and interestingly had the same problem with certain tracks purchased from HD Tracks ( ALAC Files ) :blush: . After sending an email to customer services was able to re download the offending tracks which then played as normal :smiley: . So not so sure it is anything to do with the Audirvana Plus software or MacOS High Sierra but could be wrong?. Have not had the same problem with 7Digital FLAC downloads so could be in some way related to the type of file ALAC and or Software, macOS High Sierra!.