Accessibility of V3.52 trial on Mac

I have attempted to use Audirvana V3.52 for Mac using Voice Over and I’m sorry to say I’ve had very poor access to the software. I have not been able to interface with the software to do basic tasks, including locating my music. Most of the buttons are not labelled so that I can determine their function given the feedback from Voice Over.

Unless I can obtain guidance and some assurance the software is, or can be made, accessible to a blind audiophile, I will reluctantly have to pass on the offer to purchase the software.

This is doubly unfortunate because I’m considering the purchase of a stand-alone music server from Wolf Audio Systems. Joe Parvey has suggested he could install Audirvana for Windows on a server for me. Unless the Windows version of Audirvana is substantially more accessible with a screen reader such as Windows Narrator or JAWS, I fear this won’t be an option for me either.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.