Album covers don't match written Album Title & Artist under it

Hi Damien,

I Haven’t noticed this in previous versions, but in version 1.10 (release 1032) the album cover of the audio file does often not match the written description under it; I haven’t discovered a pattern yet. The file played is that of which the album cover is depicted. NOTE: I’ve only noticed this with HRA-Streaming.

Best regards,

Rob Lenssen

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the feedback.
I’ve now fixed this in 1.1.1 you can update to by relaunching Audirvana Plus.


Great!Thanks for the ultra quick response Damien,



This problem now seems to occur with Qobuz favourites which display correctly in Qobuz but not in current Windows version.

On further checking the same problem occurs within Qobuz purchases. Album Art and titles mixed up.

Problem also extends to my main music library in version 1032.